Invasive Vine Removal

Are Invasive Vines Strangling Your Trees?

They Do This In Three Ways: 

1. Robbing the tree roots of moisture which weakens the tree

2. Vine leaves crowd out the tree leaves for sunlight

3. Vines add extra weight to tree branches, making the tree more susceptible to falling during a storm

We Can Help Protect Your Trees By:

1. Removing the bottom three feet of vine

2. Removing the vine roots entirely

Both Methods Ensure The Ongoing Health Of Your Trees


Native Planting

Reduce Environmental Impact By Creating Sustainable, Low-Maintenance Landscapes.

The planting of native flowers, shrubs, and trees is encouraged. They provide a habitat and food for birds and pollinators.

There are many benefits of utilizing the plants Virginia has to offer for your yard or around your property:

  • Native plants are drought resistant and disease resistant

  • Being acclimated to our habitat, native plants do not require fertilizer and lower amounts of pesticides

  • Native plants require less water than non-native species

  • Native plants help prevent the erosion of topsoil and provide protection from runoff into streams and rivers

We can recommend native plant design and selection experts as well as native nurseries.

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